Daily 478 - Fought in a war

Farm Tender Daily - All the news from Monday, the 23rd of September, 2024.

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By Dwain Duxson - An Ag Enthusiast

Fought in a war - We know that in the rural areas of Australia, we have many passionate groups fighting against the wide range of Renewable projects that are coming our way. Farmers are protecting their Land and their right to Farm.

I viewed a bit of a toe-to-toe on Facebook the other day, and it was a comment Anne Bryce made that got me thinking. Anne and others are fighting against the Power Lines going through their Farms.

Anne said this: “My forebearers fought for this country, they encouraged me to fight for what I believe in! Because I care about my community that I have spent 55 years in, I know that win or lose, I can look back and know I did my best”.

For me, that hit the nail flush on the head. It puts it all into perspective. We quickly forget what people sacrificed for their country and the lengths they went to. So, the least we can do is fight for our communities and do what’s right for them. Well said, Anne. Our forebearers would be looking down, saying come on have a crack, you lot. Have you had a happening recently that has put things into perspective? Reply to [email protected]

The Farmers Club headlines - Our 3 topics tomorrow are:
1) I reckon I’ve worked out what separates the successful people in Farming from the rest……
2) I remember the days when most phone business between Farmers and Agents was done at night…..
3) We have a problem in Ag. Those making decisions worth millions and in some cases, billions have no idea about Ag……
The Farmers Club - For Ag Enthusiasts. Sign up here for free.

Auction this Wednesday - See the link here.

New Mainero Grain Baggers - We have started selling new Mainero Grain Baggers and can get the best deal possible. We know how Grain Baggers have revolutionised Grain Storage. If you are looking at a Grain Bagger, go to the listing here or give Ellen a call on 0418 137 224

Today's Trends - Sales trends included Hay Rakes, Tractors, Vetch Hay, Glyphosate, Urea, UAS, Barley Hay, Spreaders, Lucerne Seed, Load Bars, Seed Terminator, and a Carryall.

End of message

Dwain Duxson
P - 0427 011 900
E - [email protected] 

What was listed today.
What was sold today.

For more info see the link here - https://shorturl.at/9ovG0

Thanks for reading.