Farm Tender Daily

Daily 515 - The Messy Middle

Farm Tender Daily - All the news from Tuesday, the 25th of June, 2024.

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By Dwain Duxson

The Messy Middle -  I was listening to the Farms Advice podcast featuring Broden Holland, a young Cropping guru from the Young, NSW area. You can take a listen here.

Broden spoke about his Farming journey so far and how they are pushing the boundaries in what was a more traditional Grazing country. Broden has all the gear to make the job easier, and he is pushing the technology side pretty hard.

I did prick my ears when he said he started with variable rate technology in 2016 but has pretty much gone back to more blanket applications because of its complexity.

This is the problem with this variable rate tech; there might be a feeling of missing out on yield through inaccuracies or by putting fewer inputs on. These guys are playing the yield game, so any concern about missing out will mean they will resort to the old blanket application ways to chase maximum yield. It's just a natural reaction when you are not too sure about something; you will always go back to what you know. You don't want to risk the Crop. This messy middle of uncertainty is a place where none of us really want to go. We will back tech and the latest techniques as long it is proven that they will work better. That's probably why variable rate tech hasn't taken off; it's not fully or even partially trusted to deliver maximum yield. It might save on inputs, yes, but that’s not the game. Have you tried something where you have felt out of control and feel you are risking the Crop, so to speak? Reply to [email protected]

The Farmers Club headlines - Our 3 topics tomorrow are:
1) 20 Farmers on a Crop inspection. What fun. (Free).
2) To sell or not to sell. Always a dilemma. (Paid).
3) We analyse the bank manager replies in a bit more detail. (Paid)
The Farmers Club - Start influencing Sign up here for free.

FarmTender2025 - The Business of Farming event - Check out here for a bit of a sneak peek of the event, the date, location, etc. Tickets can be purchased, and accommodation can also be booked.

Today's Trends - Sales trends included Urea, Headers, Augers, Oaten Hay, Clover Hay, Vetch Hay, Barley Straw, Feed Mixers, Chaser Bins, GPS Equipment, Barley Hay, Barley, Hay Feeders, Lucerne Hay, Seeders Tynes, and Feed Corn/Maize.

End of message

Dwain Duxson
P - 0427 011 900
E - [email protected] 

What was listed today.
What was sold today.