Farm Tender Daily

Daily 502 - There’s something brewing…

Farm Tender Daily - All the news from Thursday, the 6th of June, 2024.

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By Dwain Duxson

There’s something brewing… -  We don’t do predictions well in Ag, and if there is an average, I am well below the line. But sometimes we can’t help ourselves, and guess what, it’s good fun too.

We recently wrote an article about how the Australian Lamb and Sheep industry lacked a formal Feedlotting industry. You can read it here. I was looking through the Ballarat Lamb prices from Wednesday and any finished Lambs are making up to $280 a head. That’s starting to get up there. Would we then make more in the Lamb industry if we finished half the Lamb Crop in a Feedlot? Or would there be an oversupply of finished Lambs, and the premium end would become more of a commodity, and would that push prices lower? I digress.

But back to my prediction. I’ve got this feeling in my water that the Sheep and Lamb job is going to come good within a month or two and get back to levels seen before the slump occurred. I have no market intelligence; I have not been speaking to an economist, and I haven’t dialled up the best Sheep Agent in Australia. It’s just a hunch.

And look out if we get some rain in the places that need it. That wouldn’t grow grass immediately, but it would build confidence. I might be wrong with my timing, but when it does come good (it will at some point), what are the lessons we can learn from what we have been through? Reply to [email protected]

The Farmers Club headlines - Our 3 topics tomorrow are:
1) Events with benefits. Why communities need to come together. (Free).
2) Wrong perception - A teacher said to a student, “Wouldn’t you rather be a Lawyer”. (Paid).
3) Peter the Law enforcer. A great story… (Paid).
The Farmers Club - For the curious ones Sign up here for free.

Farm Inputs Report - Check out the latest here on Foliar Fertilisers.

Current Fertiliser Market Indicative prices - (all prices are Ex GST). Please note that these prices are current market prices, we may have access to products at much better rates. These prices are indicative for when you are being quoted for your fertiliser requirements. Urea - $640.00 (+$10) (All Ports) MAP - $1070.00 (All Ports) (NC) - DAP - $1,085.00 (All Ports) (NC) SSP - $639.00 (Brisbane) (NC), $425.00 (Newcastle, Geelong, Portland) (NC), $455.00 (Adelaide) (+$30) MoP - $710.00 (All Ports) (NC), SoP - $1,230.00 (Brisbane, Geelong & Adelaide) (NC), $1,270.00 (Newcastle) (NC), $1,240.00 (Portland) (NC), Gran-Am $440.00 (all ports) (NC). NC = No Change.Please note: All ports include the following locations: Geelong, Portland, Adelaide, Brisbane, and Newcastle. Ring Ellen on 0418 137 224 for any Fertiliser requirements.

Today's Trends - Sales trends included Ryegrass Seed, Seed Drills, Wheat Straw, Barley Straw, Round Balers, Lucerne Hay, Tractors, Sheep Feeders, Spreaders, Beans, Aussie White Ewes, Pasture Hay, and a Self Propelled Windrower.

End of message

Dwain Duxson
P - 0427 011 900
E - [email protected] 

What was listed today.
What was sold today.