Farm Tender Daily

Daily 514 - Not cutting it anymore

Farm Tender Daily - All the news from Monday, the 24th of June, 2024.

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By Dwain Duxson

Relationship Banking - Your Replies -  We had a huge response from our story about how we all used to have a Bank Manager we could call on. Read the story here. Going by the replies, relationship banking is not completely dead; there are still good managers out there; you just have to find them.

I will send you all the anonymous replies if you sign up for The Farmers Club here (FREE) or reply email with "YES", and I will add you to The Farmers Club list and email you all the replies. It makes for fascinating reading. Reply to [email protected]

Not cutting it anymore - I heard a quote the other day from Yeoval, NSW Farmer Nigel Kerin, where he said Farm costs now are mirroring Land prices, but production is falling behind. So therefore, according to Nigel, you can't be average anymore, and you have to find ways to improve the income side of your business; otherwise, you are going backwards.

When you think about it, he is spot on. Are our rising costs the new normal? And if so, how do we lift the income side of our business or businesses to stay in or ahead of the game. Are you looking for or finding those improvements in your business to offset the rise in costs? Reply to [email protected]

The Farmers Club headlines - Our 3 topics tomorrow are:
1) In a high-cost environment, we need to create new revenue streams. (Free).
2) Will you renew to your state-based Farming organisation? (Paid).
3) We all need to do lunch more. (Paid).
The Farmers Club - Become an Ag influencer Sign up here for free.

Today's Trends - Sales trends included Pasture Hay, Wheel Loaders, Lick Feeders, Angus Bulls, Rye Grass Hay, Tractor Tyres, Lucerne Hay, Bale Stackers, Feed Barley, Speckle Park Calves, Augers, Windrowers, Barley Straw, Vetch Hay, Oaten Hay, and Woolpressers.

End of message

Dwain Duxson
P - 0427 011 900
E - [email protected] 

What was listed today.
What was sold today.