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Farm Tender Daily
Daily 490 - Flipping Burgers
Farm Tender Daily - All the news from Tuesday, the 21st of May, 2024.
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By Dwain Duxson
Flipping Burgers - You know how McDonald's says they are a Real Estate business disguised as a Burger company. Well, when you think about it, are we Farmers in the same boat? We call ourselves Croppers, Graziers, Growers, Pig Farmers, Irrigators and the like, when in fact, we are very similar to McDonald's. That's if you own the Land, of course.
Yes, it's a bit different in that McDonald's owns the Properties and Land, and franchisees run the businesses and pay rent to McDonald's. Farmers who lease or rent their country out operate in a similar vein. Most Farmers that own the Land, Farm the Land. Usually, the Land side is not separate from the Production side, they are usually one, with some exceptions.
But where is all the wealth tied up? In the Land, so arguably, we are in the Real Estate/Rural Property game. If we did separate the 2 enterprises, our Production businesses would be worth diddly squat in comparison. The big dollars are in the Land, not the Clearing sale, and there is no such thing as goodwill anymore.
This won't change how we view ourselves, but in the good light of day, it's the flipping Burger side of things that defines us. Happy for you to pick holes in this. Reply to [email protected]
The Farmers Club headlines - Our 3 topics tomorrow are:
1) You can’t force people into buying things. They will always exercise their choices. (Free).
2) Paddock basher. Would a cheaper version new Ute get a gig at your Farm? (Paid).
3) Today is heart day. I will explain. (Paid).
We have a 30-day free trial for our new subscription. Sign up here for free.
DelayPay stuff - Our sister business, DelayPay, got some press recently. Take a read here.
Today's Trends - Sales trends included Augers, Lucerne Hay, Oaten Hay, Vetch Hay, Feed Mixers, Tractors, Wheaten Hay, Silos, Field Peas, Sheep Feeders, Clover Hay, and Urea.
End of message
Dwain Duxson
P - 0427 011 900
E - [email protected]
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