Farm Tender Daily

Daily 455 - The people thing

Farm Tender Daily - All the news from Wednesday, the 3rd of April, 2024.

By Dwain Duxson - Click here to go to the Farmer Tender website.

The people thing - Not everyone is cut out to manage people. I know of a Farmer who has quite a few staff, and he said that managing them is no fun, and he resents the Monday to Friday working week. So much so that he only ever enjoys working on the Farm on weekends when he can do tasks on his own.

I'd say that is a pretty sad way to operate, and I guess he's just not cut out to manage people. And not everyone is. You hear lots of Tradies who once ran teams of people, and as they get closer to their retirement years, they go back to working alone because they can't handle the managing people thing anymore.

It's the hardest thing managing a team of people, but it's also very rewarding when you get it right. With our Farm Tender business, because we work remotely, we have access to better-qualified people because we don't have to uproot them and shift them to a central office to work. And if they don't work out, then the employee hasn't moved their life 500km to a new town. But managing staff remotely is something that requires good systems.

I know on our family Farm, we have always had staff, and I know 3 of them have been there for more than 20 years. So, it can be done with a bit of give and take. Get a good one and don't let them go and the ingredient to that is being easy to get along. Have you had any good, bad or indifferent times when managing people? - Reply to [email protected]

The Farmers Club headlines - Our 3 topics tomorrow are:
1) Ag’s Armaguard moment. What things can trip up our supply chains? (Free)
2) Finding those therapeutic Farm Jobs, and doing them when stress levels get high. (Paid)
3) Are stubborn Farmers missing out? We look at why they might be. (Paid)
Plus more. Join here for free or email reply “Yes”, and I will add you to the newsletter.

Council/Shire Rates survey - For some, your local Council/Shire can be the bane of your existence. It’s time to have your say. See the survey here.

Today's Trends - Sales trends included Saia Oats, Clover Seed, Tractor Weights, SP Sprayers, Feed Barley, Barley Straw, New Munro Post Driver, Urea, Tyres, Disc Drill, Lucerne Seed, Big Square Balers, Vetch Seed, Oats, and Sheep Handlers.

End of message

Dwain Duxson
P - 0427 011 900
E - [email protected] 

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