Farm Tender Daily

Daily 442 - Your legacy

Farm Tender Daily - All the news from Wednesday, the 13th of March, 2024.

By Dwain Duxson - Click here to go to the Farmer Tender website.

Your legacy - What's your legacy or purpose? What do you want to be remembered for? No, I'm not trying to bump you off early, but as you get older, we all need to stand out for something. It only needs to be one thing. But it could be several.

We have mentioned this before: In Farming, you start out as a generalist, learning all the skills you need to run a Farm, and as you get older, you become more of a specialist. You find what you are good at, what you like doing and focus on that. You will also drop off things you don't like doing.

For me, I spent the first 20 years of my life on the Farm and left that to start a couple of businesses that support Farmers. Now, I am still heavily involved in that, but in my spare time, I write. I love it and now it's what I want to do whilst I am still upright. So, after 53 years, I have worked out what I want to do.

There's no pressure to find your purpose in life; you will work it out, and it could come along at any time. It also could be something you have been exceptionally good at over the course of your life. Two questions. What Farming pursuit can you see yourself doing for a long time? If you have a purpose already, what is it? Reply to [email protected]

The Farmers Club headlines - Our 3 topics tomorrow are:
1) Rabbits are known as pests, but they have economic benefits. We’ll explain.
2) In Farming, we are not good at paying ourselves. That’s got to change.
3) What’s your favourite Tree on the Farm? You’ll have one.
Plus more. Join here for free or email reply “Yes”, and I will add you to the newsletter.

Sprayer Workshops - Held at Kaniva (Vic) on the 20th of March and Longerenong (Vic) on the 21st of March. See the flyers at the bottom of the page.

One-day Auction next Wednesday - See the link here.

6 hours of content - Our FarmTender2024 - Entrepreneurs in Farming event was a huge success. You can buy the video here.

Today's Trends - Sales trends included Farm Trucks, Scrub Chain, Barley, Shifter, Boomsprayers, Hay Rakes and Italian Rye Grass.

End of message

Dwain Duxson
P - 0427 011 900
E - [email protected] 

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