Farm Tender Daily

Daily 458 - The House of Cards

Farm Tender Daily - All the news from Monday, the 26th of August, 2024.

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By Dwain Duxson

The House of Cards - In life, Farming and business, you know, when you are on a winner it normally comes to fruition. Equally, there are times when, no matter how hard you try at something, and you know deep down it’s not going to work out. You might keep persisting in hope, but there comes a point where you have to give up.

This is how I think Chris Bowen and his merry men and women who are pushing the renewable and net zero agendas must be feeling. The wheels are falling off, and people are over it.

I see a few Solar projects have been canned due to cost, EVs have reached a saturation point whereby the big Car companies have halted all investment and are retreating back to processes they are familiar with. At the same time, our energy bills are at the highest they have ever been.

We wrote a while back about how we are setting fire to billions and throwing good money into bad projects that will come to nothing. Renewables have their place, but take them to where the energy needs to be used, Eg, Farm Sheds, factory roofs and houses. Can you see this house of cards all falling down? I can. Reply to [email protected]

The Farmers Club headlines - Our 3 topics tomorrow are:
1) We went to the Bush Summit today. Fairytales are now being believed….
2) We talk about an old Ag magazine publication that was fantastic in its day.
3) We all need a thinking chair, and the Tractor seat is the thinking seat of choice for Farmers.
The Farmers Club - 6 Times Weekly Sign up here for free.

Farm Tender at Dowerin - Visit Shane and Megan Ruyg at site 78A on the Football Oval. Call in and say g’day.

Today's Trends—Sales trends included Glyphosate, Sprayers, GPS Autosteer, Groupers, Lucerne Seed, Flat-Top Trailers, Oaten Hay, Telehandlers, Spreaders, and Tractors.

End of message

Dwain Duxson
P - 0427 011 900
E - [email protected] 

What was listed today.
What was sold today.

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