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Farm Tender Daily
Daily 441 - The Greasers and the non-Greasers

Farm Tender Daily - All the news from Tuesday, the 12th of March, 2024.
By Dwain Duxson - Click here to go to the Farmer Tender website.
The Greasers and the non-Greasers - I was talking to a Farmer the other day, and he said, "Bloody young bloke these days, they are reluctant to grease the Headers as much as I would like".
I don't reckon it's only the young blokes. It's across the board and can happen within any age group. Some people aren't as meticulous as others when it comes to maintenance and looking after Machinery. You all know the ones, and you know the ones that are anal about it also.
It doesn't define you as a Farmer; there are plenty of good Farmers around that are a bit rough with Gear and some not-so-good Farmers around that have immaculate Gear.
The non-Graesers probably get found out a little when it comes time to sell the Machinery, similar to the non-Sheders. You get an immaculate bit of Gear, and you are going to get more as opposed to something that hasnt been looked after as well. Where do you rate yourself? Is your Gear immaculate, or could your maintenance be better? For the record, I would rate myself in the middle somewhere. Reply to [email protected]
The Farmers Club headlines - Our 3 topics tomorrow are:
1) Talking about Dogs on Flight. One time, we flew with a Ram.
2) Many who replied about their favourite Tractor also said it was a sad day when they sold it.
3) Seed sales are pretty hot right now, as they usually are at this time of year. What’s in short supply? We will reveal.
Plus more. Join here for free or email reply “Yes”, and I will add you to the newsletter.
VFF Survey - For anyone who has an opinion on the Victorian Farmers Federation, you can complete the survey here.
2 x sales - Check out Absolute Angus’s 2 x sales here.
Today's Trends - Sales trends included Ploughs, Tractors, Post Drivers, Sprayers, Oaten Hay, Organic Grain, Vetch Hay, Barley, Mother Bins, Feed Wheat, Cole Grouper, White Suffolk Rams, Yallara Oats, Feed Barley, Urea and Superfect.
End of message
Dwain Duxson
P - 0427 011 900
E - [email protected]
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