Farm Tender Daily

Daily 440 - 6 hours of great content

Farm Tender Daily - All the news from Friday, the 8th of March, 2024.

By Dwain Duxson - Click here to go to the Farmer Tender website.

6 hours of great content - I've gotta go back and watch all the interviews we did for our FarmTender2024 - Entrepreneurs in Farming event, as I have only watched a couple so far. It's interesting when watching it back and thinking to myself, I can't remember them saying that. As the interviewer, you have dual focuses; one is to listen, and the other is to work out what to ask next. Is it a question that flows with the conversation you're on at the time, or is it a new topic of the script? 

Through these newsletters, we deliberately try not to be salesy, and this one sounds like it, but my intention is to get it out to as many as possible because the speakers were awesome in the way they parted with their knowledge. It's 6 hours of great Farming content.

So why charge for it, you might ask (it's $250)? Because it is out of respect to those who paid and went along to the event. I hope that makes sense.

You can buy a copy here. I would welcome any feedback and we will publish some of the survey results when they come through. Have a great weekend, everyone. Reply to [email protected]

The Farmers Club headlines - Our 3 topics tomorrow are:
1) We had a good response from our Ag Rebranded story. Here’s an idea.
2) Dogs on Planes. Surely it won’t last
3) What happens when you are trained wrong? Bad habits emerge.
Plus more. Join here for free or email reply “Yes”, and I will add you to the newsletter.

Today's Trends - Sales trends included Livestock Feeding Equipment, Sheep Handlers, Oats, Sunflower Seeds, Farm Trucks, Wheaten Hay, GPS Equipment, Wheat and Field Bins,

End of message

Dwain Duxson
P - 0427 011 900
E - [email protected] 

What was listed today.

What was sold today.