Farm Tender Daily

Daily 382 - There’s a solution to everything

Farm Tender Daily - All the news from Tuesday, the 19th of December, 2023.

By Dwain Duxson - Click here to go to the Farmer Tender website.

There's a solution to everything - We are building a new house on our small Farm here, and it's been a long, drawn-out process with plenty of mistakes, lots of learnings, some roadblocks and all the other things that go with doing something major in your life. 

But I think we will get there as we have some good people around us who are helping us make it happen. There have been hoops to jump through, been up plenty of dead-end roads, and the list of consultants that have come and gone is long, but we all know it's part of the process.

Get heaps more Farming news at The Farmers Club.

I was talking to someone today about how we need to live by the saying "there's a solution to everything". Because there pretty much always is. I mean, you may not always get the results you were hoping for, but you can at least put that one to bed and get on with the next solution.

As Farmers, we need to be finding solutions regularly, and it's sometimes a left-field one or something we never thought of before. It's always satisfying when you figure out a new one. It's all part of the ongoing education process on the Farm. It never stops. Just like this house..... Can you please tell us about some of your best solutions? Reply to [email protected]

The most advanced Farm ever - I reckon I have just stumbled across the most technologically advanced Farm on the planet. Jame Dyson, yes, the Vaccum guy is also a Farmer. His Dyson Farming organisation own 36,000 acres in Britain. Watch the video here.

Today’s trends - Up and down last market at Bendigo —— Corn Crop helps China to record Grain output…. Today’s sales trends included Lupins, Oats, Tractors, Groupers, Post Hole Drivers, Farm Trucks, Bulldozers, Beans, Glyphosate, Woolpresses and Maremma Dogs.

End of message

Dwain Duxson
P - 0427 011 900
E - [email protected] 

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