Farm Tender Daily

Daily - Is quick always good?

Farm Tender Daily - All the news from Monday, the 13th of November, 2023.

By Dwain Duxson - Click here to go to the Farmer Tender website.

Is quick always good? - We have adopted European and US Harvest attitudes in the last few years. As you would know, they only have a small window of opportunity before the weather does an about-turn. We don't have that problem here.

But we have become obsessed with getting our Harvest done quickly. And I get why. But to do that, you need to invest in more and better Equipment. Like an extra Header or two, a Mother Bin, perhaps some more Field Bins, and some run Bagging Machines in the Paddock as well. You might need an extra Semi. 

Before you continue, please take a look at my new side hustle newsletter. Sign up to The Farmers Club here.

All of a sudden, you are talking an extra million or two worth of gear just to get the Harvest done quicker. 

The reason I brought up the subject was that someone was bragging on Twitter that they didn't have the latest gear and Harvest was going fine. Usually, it's the opposite. We are all complaining about where the cost of new Machinery has got to. Would we be better off economically by downsizing the fleet and taking a bit longer? You have to ask yourself these questions. Reply to [email protected]

Join Terry Tran in his Farmer Masterclass course - Starts Tuesday the 14th AEST of November at 7:20 pm. Join here.

Catchy - Watch this video for a bit of a Monday night or Tuesday morning laugh. I can’t get it out of my head

Today’s trends - Today’s sales trends included Safflower Seed, Cross Augers, Feed Mixers, Tow Behind Windrower, Sorghum Seed, Tractors, Oat Seed, GPS Equipment, Combines, Grader Board, Pasture Hay, Stag Tipper Trailers, Vetch Hay, Chaser Bins, and Comb Trailers

End of message.

Dwain Duxson
P - 0427 011 900
E - [email protected] 

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